Home Releases # 10, 2015




  • Shapovalova Tatyana Doctor of Philology, Professor


Secondary and combined meanings of time are distinguished as a special phenomenon in B. Zaytsev’s “Blue Star”. The article analyses syntaxemes with the space semantics that contains shades of the meaning of time. The author examines how time that is filled with events is perceived and conceptualized in the categories of space. It is proved that the expression of temporal meaning in a construction is promoted by the morphological tense of a verb functioning as a predicate. The author also demonstrates that the temporal feeling increases in a sequential connection with the temporal syntaxeme due to the idea of movement idea of movement or some other conditions. The author comes to hte conclusion that a syntaxeme with syncretic semantics reveals the difference of conceptual language categories.
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9. Shapovalova T. E., 2000, Kategorija sintaksicheskogo vremeni v russkom jazyke. Monografija. – Moskva: MPU. – P. 151.
10. Shapovalova T. E., 2014, Substantivnyj oborot s tvoritel’nym vremeni v proze M.Ju. Lermontova // Racional’noe i jemocional’noe v russkom jazyke: Sb. trudov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, posvjashhjonnoj 200-letiju so dnja rozhdenija M.Ju. Lermontova. – Moskva: IIU MGOU. – P. 321–324.
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