Home Releases # 10, 2015


Literary Сriticism


  • Romanova Galina Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


J. Stadling is a well-known Swedish journalist and traveller, who spoke the Russian language. In 1892, he visited Russia to transfer the donations from his compatriots for the Famine in Russia and to provide back the picture of what was actually happening in the country. The Swedish journalist worked with the family of L. Tolstoy, and wrote about it in his articles in English and his later memoirs. The Russian writer had a long and cordial relationship with Sweden.
1. Bloh A. M., 2005, Sovetskij Sojuz v inter’ere Nobelevskih premij: Fakty: Dokumenty. Razmyshlenija. Kommentarii / Pod. red. A.I. Melua. – S-Peterburg: Gumanistika. – P. 880
2. Bulgakov V. F., 1960, L. N. Tolstoj v poslednij god ego zhizni. – Moskva: Pravda. – P. 511.
3. L. Tolstoj i zarubezhnyj mir, 1965. Kn.1. – Moskva: Nauka. – P. 620
4. Raevskaja E. I.,1938, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoj sredi golodajushhih / Predisl. i primech. P. S. Popova // Letopisi.– Kn. 2. Moskva: Gos. lit. muzej. – P. 371–437.
5. Stadling J., 1912, U grafa L.N. Tolstogo v golodnyj god. // Lev Tolstoj i golod. Nizhnij Novgorod: Izd-vo «Nizhegorodskij ezhegodnik» G. I. Sergeeva i V.E. Cheshihina. – P. 166–177.
6. Tolstoj L.N., 1935 – 1958, Sobr. soch.: V 90 tt. – Moskva: Hudozhestvennaja literatura
7. Tolstoj L.N., 1983, Sobr. soch.: V 22h tt. – T.13: Voskresenie. – Moskva: Hudozhestvennaja literatura. – P. 485.
8. Robbins R. G., 1975, Famine in Russia, 1891–1892. Columbia: University Press. – P. 259.
9. Stadling J. J., 2000, Through Siberia. Richmond (Surrey): Curzon. – P. 286.
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