Home Releases # 10, 2015




  • Gerasimenko Natalia Doctor of Philology, Professor


This article describes infinitive-substantive sentences which are not yet considered as an independent type of two-member sentences. The study of these sentences as a part of modern structural-semantic direction allows us to specify the understanding of the system of two-member sentences in the Russian language, about the features of compatibility of the infinitive and substantives in predicative nexus, as well as the role of the link-verb in different types of sentences. Two types of infinitive-substantive sentences are distinguished: sentences with a modal evaluation and sentences with an affective evaluation. The article describes the structural-semantic variations of both types of sentences.
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3. Gerasimenko N. A., 2012, Bisubstantivnye predlozhenija v russkom jazyke: struktura, semantika, funkcionirovanie [Jelektronnyj resurs]. [data obrashhenija: 8.04.2015]. URL: http://evestnik-mgou.ru/Books/Index/#book15.
4. Gerasimenko N. A. Bisubstantivnyj tip russkogo predlozhenija. – Moskva: Izdatel’stvo MPU «Signal». – P. 136.
5. Gerasimenko N. A., 2004, Tipologija dvusostavnogo predlozhenija // Vestnik MGOU. Serija «Russkaja filologija». No. 4. – M.: MGOU. – P. 8–13.
6. Konjashkin A. M., 2002, Sistema mnogoaspektnoj organizacii biinfinitivnyh predlozhenij. – Abakan: HGU im. N. F. Katanova. – P. 214.
7. Shahmatov A. A., 2001, Sintaksis russkogo jazyka – 3 izd. – Moskva: Jeditorial URSS. – P. 624.
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