Home Releases # 10, 2015


Literary Сriticism


  • Loskutnikova Maria Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The article considers creative relationships between Turgenev and L.Tolstoy. This issue has been repeatedly addressed by scientific and scientific-critical literature. The novelty of this aspect of investigation is associated with Turgenev’s understanding of art harmony. The aspiration to study intrinsic reasons of the development of characters and acts of heroes pulled Turgenev and Tolstoy together. Both writers appreciated truthfulness in the achievement of these purposes in each other. However, these two great contemporaries implemented the aspirations differently. Tolstoy immersed into the specification of the formation of ideas, judgements, feelings, as well as the description of the course of events itself. Turgenev, on the contrary, was a supporter of the “secret psychology” that dictates modes of imaging both for the specific results of human emotional and cogitative activity and for the development of the world around. Turgenev was convinced that going into details, inherent in Tolstoy’s manner, not only violates the true picture of the world but, moreover, leads to the loss of artistic and aesthetic landmarks including harmony of style. Turgenev was guided by a sense of artistic proportion in both his life and in creation, which required harmonization of the embodiment of reality.
1. Статья и письма И. С. Тургенева
2. Turgenev I. S., 1983, Po povodu “Otcov i detej” // Turgenev I. S. Poln. sobr. soch.: V 30 t. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva: Nauka. – Vol. 11. p. 86–97.
3. Pis’ma I. S. Turgeneva: Turgenev I.S. Poln. sobr. soch. i pisem: V 30 t. Pis’ma: V 18 t. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva: Nauka.
4. 1987. T. 3. Jel. resurs: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0830.shtml – Pis’mo 567 L. N. Tolstomu ot 3 (15) janvarja 1857 goda.
5. 1987. T. 4. Jel. resurs: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0840.shtml – Pis’mo 786 V. P. Botkinu ot 12 (24) aprelja 1859 goda; Pis’mo 1082 K. N. Leont’evu ot 21 sentjabrja (3 oktjabrja) 1860 goda; Pis’mo 1189 L. N. Tolstomu ot 27 maja (8 ijunja) 1861 goda; Pis’mo 1190 L. N. Tolstomu ot 28 maja (9 ijunja) 1861 goda.
6. 1989. T. 6. Jel. resurs: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0940-1.shtml – Pis’mo 1627 I. P. Borisovu ot 5 (17) ijunja 1864 goda; Pis’mo 1734 I. P. Borisovu ot 16 (28) marta 1865 goda.
7. 1990. T. 7. Jel. resurs: http://az.lib.ru/t/turgenew_i_s/text_0950-1.shtml – Pis’mo 1822 P. V. Annenkovu ot 25 marta (6 aprelja) 1866 goda; Pis’mo 1823 A. A. Fetu ot 25 marta (6 aprelja) 1866 goda; Pis’mo 1845 A. A. Fetu ot 15 (27) ijunja 1866 goda.
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9. 1868 goda; Pis’mo 2206 Ja. P. Polonskomu ot 6 (18) marta 1868 goda.
10. Scientific literature
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