Home Releases # 11. 2016




  • Mikhaylova Irina Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The typology of the Russian language roots, existence of the particular groups of the related roots — radixoids — have been not researching neither by linguistic science nor practice methodology for a long time. Тhere are only a few dozen of such roots. But a large network of derivative words based on radixoids was formed during the language development. The concept of «Russian Language Radixoids Dictionary» is presen­ted in this paper and its structure with comments on each component is described. A large number of word derivatives can be combined in derivational nests based on radixoids. These bilateral associated root of the procedural semantics are in a weak position, which makes it difficult to determine their meanings, and causes in a large amount of morphs, resulting from morphonological processes. The integrated word units of higher level are presented ambiguous in the available word formation dictionaries based on radixoids or not presented at all, therefore it makes difficult to understand the structure of Russian words not only for inofons but for native Russian speakers as well. A Russian Language Radixoids Dictionary can help to solve a number of scientific questions and make it easier to learn Russian lexical minimum for foreigners and better to understand the native Russian word formation principles and to see derivative basis of cognate words for native Russian speakers. The dictionary, in which the final list of radixoids existed till now will be described in many aspects, it can become an actual handbook, contributing to the development of the ability to see the such root words and their mea­nings and to learn derivative vocabulary of contemporary Russian language systematically.
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3. Ivanova A.V. Gnezdo s vershinoj ...kaz... kak sistemno-strukturnoe obrazovanie: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.01. M.: MPGU, 1999. 15 s.
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5. Mixajlova I.D. Slaby’e i sil’ny’e pozicii kornej v slovoobrazovatel’­nom pole // Filologicheskij sbornik: v chest’ yubileya professora L.I. Osipovoj / sost. i otv. red. T.V. Beloshapkova. M.: MGPU, 2015. S. 102–115.
6. Moiseev A.I. Vy’dayushchijsya trud, sdelanny’j na veka // Aktual’ny’e problemy’ russkogo slovoobrazovaniya. Tashkent: Izd-vo Tashkentsk. un-ta, 1989. S. 124–125.
7. Tixonov A.N. Slovoobrazovatel’ny’j slovar’ russkogo yazy’ka: v 2 t.  T. I. M.: Rus. yaz., 1985. 856 s.
8. Shirshov I.A. Tolkovy’j slovoobrazovatel’ny’j slovar’ russkogo yazy’ka: Kompleksnoe opisanie russkoj leksiki i slovoobrazovaniya. M.: AST: Astrel’: Russkie slovari: Ermak, 2004. 1022 s.
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