Главная страница Архив Semantics of personal pronouns in Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s novel What Is To Be Done?

Semantics of personal pronouns in Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s novel What Is To Be Done?



  • Geymbukh Elena


The article is devoted to unstudied questions of the language and style of Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s novel What Is To Be Done?, first of all to the subject structure of the text. The features of the narration connected with a parity of different faces of the author and the reader are considered in the work. The main subject of research are means of creating (first of all per­sonal pronouns) images of the sender correlating among themselves and the addressee of the letter. Significant attention is given to studying the functional orientation of text oppositions of the pronouns "I" - "you" -"you" - "they" for the designation of one person (group of persons).
Список литературы
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