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Linguistics , UDC: 81.25 DOI: 10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.04


  • Nikitina Veronika Vladimirovna PhD (Philologу)


The issues of linguistic pragmatics have been discussed by both Russian and foreign linguists since the anthropocentric focus of research was formulated, and further, with the development of cognitive linguistics is relevant up to the present time, since they have a rather wide paradigm of interpretations. This article is aimed at examining the correlation between grammar, semantics, and functional sentence perspective in English-Russian, Russian-Chinese, Chinese-English pairs, and the need to clarify research methodologies seem significant. An important theoretical and practical component of the following study is the need to clarify the methodologies and techniques of functional sentence perspective in the above pairs of languages. The article reveals that the considered interpretations of the informational component of sentences and the facets of the reading of the functional approach in linguistics are different. It is significant to expand and clarify the degree of correspondence between the source text and the translated text to the pairs English-Russian, Russian- English, Russian-Chinese, and Chinese-Russian as referred to the considered methods. The materials presented in the article and their interpretation suggest that the differences are related, first and foremost, by Linguistic Typology; secondly, the paradigm of research and the study of grammar through discourse matter; finally, the syntactic structures and the speaker’s intension have a particular meaning. Thus, clarification of the significance and verification of the above approaches is a prospect for further research, since such significant differences in the typology of Chinese-Russian-English languages pose a conceptual challenge – the formulation of a strictly algorithmic procedure for identifying the communicative center of an utterance from a translation perspective for non- native speakers of English and Chinese.

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Nikitina, V. V. (2023). TRANSLATION HEURISTICS: FUNCTIONAL SENTENCE PERSPECTIVE — A THEORETICAL REVIEW Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Russian and comparative studies, 61–72. https://doi.org/10.25688/2619-0656.2023.11.04
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