Home Releases # 1, 2006


Literary Сriticism


  • Ustinova I.V.


In the article the bases of Luis dc Gongora's poetics are considered in comparison with the aesthetic principles of Russian symbolism The author points out that Andrey Веly’s reasoning about the ‘transcendenral Face’ as a norm of creativity is based on religion. It returns us to the medieval outlook. which is present in the аrt and literature of Spanish baroque. Bely’s intuition serves a kind of explanation for Gongora’s ‘art major’. The author believes metaphor is the essence оf Gongora’s poetry and confirms that the estimation of Gongora‘s heritage by different epochs coincides with their estimation of metaphor.

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Ustinova, I. . (2006). LUIS DE GONGORA AND RUSSIAN SYMBOLISM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", # 1, 2006,
1. Hereinafter the work of Andrei Bely is quoted from: Andrei Bely. Symbolism as World Understanding / Edited by L.A. Sugai. М., 1994.
2. Kosikov G.K. From Structuralism to Poststructuralism. М., 1998.
3. Hermes Trismegistus and Hermetic Tradition of East and West / Per. In: Kiev - M., 1998.
4. Ricoeur Paul. La m(taphore vive. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1975: Ch. VI 'Le travail de la ressemblance'.
5. Barthes R. Selected works: Semiotics. Poetics. М., 1989.
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