Home Releases # 2, 2007




  • Ganiev Zhurat Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


In 1906-1909 Lev Shcherba undertook a mission in Western Europe, in Paris. It was as- signed by St. Petersburg scientific leader LA. Baudouin de Courtenay. L. Shcherba was obliged to write thesis. In Paris he worked together with President of International Phonetic Association Pole Passy who was an expert in making studies in phonetics. In Paris Lev Shcherba acquainted himself with books by the great British philologist Henry Sweet who taught colloquial English. It was a new period in linguistics and a new wave in philology. Pole Passy and Henry Sweet guided Lev Shcherba while he was writing the conception of pronunciation styles. Lev Shcherba formulated a method in phonostylistics which did not contrudiet to the one in writings by Pole Passy and Henry Sweet.
1. Ganiev, J. V. 1990. Russian Language: Phonetics and Orthoepy. - Moscow. Grammar of the Russian Language. Phonetics and Morphology. 1952. Т. 1. С. 49-100. - Moscow.
2. Shcherba, L.V. 1958. A Few Words on the Compound Consonant Sounds / / L. V. Shcherba. Selected works on linguistics and phonetics. Т. 1. - Leningrad: Leningrad State University.
3. Shcherba, L. V. 1957. On different styles of pronunciation and on the ideal phonetic composition of words /I Notes of the Neophilological Society at the Petrograd University. Vol. VIII. Pg,
4. 1915. Same: Acad. L. V. Shcherba. Selected works on the Russian language. - Moscow., Hereinafter the last edition is quoted (Abbreviated: On Different Styles of Pronunciation).
5. Shcherba, L. V. 1947. Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools. General Questions of Methodology. - Moscow - Leningrad.
6. Shcherba, L. V. 1958. Subjective and Objective Method in Phonetics /I L.V. Shcherba. Izbr. works on linguistics and phonetics. Т. 1. - Leningrad: LSU.
7. Shcherba, L. V. 1983. The theory of Russian writing. - Leningrad.
8. Shcherba, L. V. 1963. Phonetics of the French language. An Essay on French Pronunciation in Comparison with Russian. Ed. 7. - Moscow.
9. Jones, D. 1937. The Pronunciation of English (I. Phonetics; II. Phonetic Transcriptions). 2d ed., 10 "impr., (1st ed. 1909; 2nd ed. 1914).- Cambridge.
10. Passy, P. 1913. Les sons du français, leur formation, leur combination, leur representation. 7'ed., rev. et corr. (1st ed. in 1887 r.) (Abbreviated: Les sons du français). - Paris.
11. Passy, P. 1922. Petite phonétique comparée des principales langues européennes. 3'ed. - Leip-zig-Berlin.
12. Sweet, H. 1911. A Primer of Spoken English. 4th id., rev., (2nd ed. in 1895). - Oxford.
13. Sweet, H. 1887. Elementarbuch des gesprochenen English (Grammatik, Text und Glossar).
14. Zwelte verbess. Aufl. Oxford Leipzig, MDCCC LXXXVII (book written in 1885, l-e ed., in 1886).
15. Sweet, H. 1909. A Primer of Phonetics. 3'ed., (1st ed. in 1890). - Oxford.
16. Sweet, H. 1964. The Practical Study of Languages. A Guide for Teachers and Learners (1st ed. in 1899). - London.
17. Sweet, H. 1923. The Sounds of English. An Introduction to Phonetics. 2" ed., rev. and suppl. (1st ed. in 1908). - Oxford.
18. Ščerba, L. 1911. Court exposé de la prononciation russe // Publié par l'Accociation phonétique international. - Paris.
19. Lomonosov, M. V. 1952. Notes on the Proposal on the Plural Endings of Adjective Names // Complete Works.Vol.7. - Moscow - Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
20. Shcherba, L. V. 1957. [Assumed 1929]. To the question of Russian orthoepy /I Acad. L. V. Shcherba. Selected works on the Russian language. - Moscow.
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