Home Releases # 2, 2007


Literary Сriticism


  • Romanenkova Marina Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor


The paper analyses the philosophical implication ofthe miniature The Dog by I. S. Turgenev from the series Senilia. Poems in prose. It is reconstructed by comparing a fragment from Volume II, part 41 On Death and Its Relation to the Indestructibility ofOur Inner Nature from Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Idea". Both texts deal with the problem of distinctive- ness of the human being at the confrontation of his death and transcendence. The paper tries to find out how the philosophical speaking is "translated" into literary speaking, raises the ques- tion what intertextuality type is created in Turgenev's miniature and what the meaning of all thisis. The paper comes to the conclusion that Schopenhauer's principium individuationis is imitated in the miniature, but it is not related with the denial of the will of life. The miniature is created as elegiac contemplations of a lonely old man looking at his dog. In the miniature there is no place for the philosopher's ideas about the blind will of the world controlling all-out, because the contemplations of the old man get close to the immortality of the spirit called by him "sparking of fire".
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