Home Releases # 8, 2013


Literary Сriticism


  • Poltavets Elena Ph.D. (Candidate of Philology),, Assistant Professor


The article deals with the so-called philological poetry as it is investigated by modern literary criticism. Special attention is given to L. Tolstoy`s theme in Russian poetry (of recent decades mainly). The article analyses the poems devoted to Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoy`s works, such as the poetry by A. Galich, A. Gorodnitsky, A. Koushner, L. Losev, Fotyandr Metanoic, D. Bykov, N. Tugarinova and others
1. Aniskovich L. I., 2001, Leo Tolstoy. Poem. - Moscow: Veche. - 333 с.
2. Bugoslavskaya O. V., 2003, Remakes as a "mirror" of the literary process. // Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 9. Philology, № 5. - С. 158-167.
3. Golov A. M. (Photiandr Metanoic), 2006, Attempt to Being. Poems and Philologisms. - Moscow: Vakhazar. - 656 с.
4. Golubkova A., 2010, Tolstoy, Shakespeare and musicologists. // UFO, NO. 104. - С. 277-280
5. Kushner A. S., 2000, The Fifth Element: Poems and Prose. - Moscow: EXMOPress. - 384 с.
6. Kushner A. S., 2009, On the Other Side of the Glass. // The Banner, No. 4. [URL: "Journal Room" - http://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2009/4/. Date of access: 09.06.2013].
7. Kushner A. S., 2013, The Big Mirror // Znamya, No. 5. [URL: "Journal. Hall" - http://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2013/5/. Date of reference: 09.06.2013].
8. Losev L. V., 2012, Poems. - St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbach Publishing House. - 600 с
9. Nabokov V. V., 1996, Lectures on Russian Literature. - Moscow: Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Newspaper. - 440 с.
10. Tarkovsky A. A., 1997, White Day. - Moscow: EXMO-Press. - 384 с.
11. Tolstoy L. N., 2000, Complete Works: In 100 Volumes - Vol. 1. - Moscow: Nauka. - 512 с.
12. Tugarinova N. S., 2012, "War and Peace" in verse / Adv. А. П. Avramenko. - Moscow: Kluch - S. - 96 p.
13. Fet, A. A., 1998, The Thrill of Life: Poems. - Moscow: EXMO-Press. - 448 с.
14. Chuprinin S. I. I., 2007, Russian Literature Today: Life by Concepts. - Moscow: Vremya. - 768 с.
15. Yakovlev, M. V., 2011, Leo Tolstoy in the Perception of Russian Symbolists. // Л. Leo Tolstoy - thinker, artist, teacher and modernity. Proceedings of the International scientific conference. - Orekhovo-Zuevo: MGOHI. - С. 137-141.
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