Home Releases # 11. 2016




  • Zakharova Maria Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor


In article is considered the phenomena of language game in historical, psycholinguistic and diachronic aspect. The general review of a condition of a question is given. Language game is defined as the deliberate target violation of language, speech, communicative and linguocultural norms which optional have humorous intension. Besides it is noted that, in understan­ding of the author, means of art expressiveness, intertextual communications and other means and methods of destruction of commonality and normati­vity statements get to a zone of language game. The question of the status of language game and the native speakers using language game during the different historical periods is raised. Conclusions about communication of language game as the phenomena with a condition of the Russian literary language are drawn. Intensity of language game, as shown in work, increases with growth of instability of the literary language. It is connected with the fact that at a stable condition of the lite­rary language speech play is the phenomenon elite whereas destabilization of norm provokes realization of an experimental component and involvement in process of creation and use of language game of bigger number of native speakers. The presented conclusions are illustrated by materials from the different periods of existence of the Russian literary language.
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